Mittwoch, August 24, 2005

Editieren supersimpel

wikiwyg: "Wikiwyg is a Javascript library that can be easily integrated into any wiki or blog software. It offers the user multiple ways to edit/view a piece of content." Slick, easy, superb

3 Kommentare:

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Memorializing a child after pregnancy loss
Bella Online's Krissi Daniellson has some advice for women dealing with the pain of pregnancy loss ... (8/24/2005) Open Letter to young Ryland Kallman (8/24/2005) Blogging a Little Boy: Missing the obvious (8/24/2005) Spend more time with your kids, not shopping for them.

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Stefan M. Moser hat gesagt…

Hmm, hab ich auch noch nie gehabt ... Blog-Comment-Spam.

Na toll.